
The Gospel According to My Dream

The Gospel According to My Kitchen Sink is one of my favorite inspirational books that I patterned the title of my first post to it.

I dreamt the other night about Jesus Christ and I had really felt His nearness. My dream started with a conversation with the Congressman of our district. He said, “Bal an mo bala sandz pakaisa ko na si Hesus.” (Do you know that Jesus is my cousin?). I answered him with a chuckle, “Tood Cong. Abi patan aw kung magkaitsura man kamo.” (Really Congressman? Let me see if you two look the same). He replied, “Aba syempre, ang mali lang sang kalibutan kay hindi nila bal an nga si Hesus taga-Koronadal.” (Of course, we look the same. It’s a great big mistake of the world of not knowing that Jesus is actually from Koronadal City). My dream ended with me looking up to the face of Jesus Christ.

The next day I amusingly shared it with my family over our breakfast table. Only later of that day had I realized the gospel in my dream.

Our church history would tell us that Jesus is kindred to John the Baptist as His sole cousin (as far as I know. I am not an expert of Religion neither I am a reader of the Bible, correct me if you know any more of Jesus’ cousin) but with my dream I came to realize that we can all be within His bloodline if we opt to. The wisdom of our Creator is really magnanimous that He gave us not the genealogical birthright but the will to choose and decide which line we select to go with. He shaped us to be an authority of deciding and love us regardless of the options we make. He wants us too see the power of choosing and wants us to rise above every decision we make.

In my way of living, I had made several selfish and wrong decisions and to which I had meekly surpassed. My dream made me realized that no matter how humanly I had acted and decided for the past years of my life, Jesus would still want me to be part of his family tree. Maybe my dream is His way of inviting me to follow His line. Or maybe, faith is still in my subconscious after years of being a dispassionate Catholic. Whichever is the reason of me having such dream is no longer important. The point is I was awakened with Jesus’ nearness.
(Few would be raising their eyebrows implicating that I am having a well-worn, corny write-up but believe me after that dream I feel so loved).

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