
My personal note on the Qualification of Senator Grace Poe

I am a fan of Senator Grace Poe and honestly she was my first choice.  But when disqualification cases about her were raised, I started pondering. 
I would have cared less about these cases against her if not that I am in law school now.   Of course, I am writing my own opinion with due respect to the Supreme Court Justices.  I have high regard about them. 

But what really bothers me is on how we value citizenship.  Many jurisprudence taught us in school that citizenship is not a commodity that can easily be given up in exchange of something else and have it again when desired.  

It was because of these teachings that I learned to value more my Filipino Citizenship because for me having it is not merely a right to protect but an obligation to fulfill. 
For me the main issue in her case is not about her being a foundling and having the right to become Filipino as she was found in the Philippines – she have that right and we are morally obligated to grant it to her.  

What for me is the main issue is when she left the country and opted to become another citizen.  She had a good life simply living as a FIlipino prior she left for the US.  She had a good life and yet she left.  What could it be then if life in the Philippines will not be as generous and happy?
Embracing our citizenship to the end despite the odds is a moral obligation.

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