
Pains of the world and my style of coping

The world has so many pains – a father seeing his daughter died in hunger, a mother watching her son with high fever with no medication to give, a woman left penniless by her husband on her 8th month of pregnancy, a girl betrayed by a friend, a man fired by a boss while his wife is dying, lovers being separated because of cultural differences - more pains can be added to these lists, some are even more complicated and more hurting.  I have my share of pains but all are surpassed with head held high.  And from these pains I learned a lot especially coping.   
First, cope thru laughter, laughter helps a lot (overdoing it with no right reason is dangerous, though).  Cliché: Laughter is the best medicine, indeed it is. When we laugh, endorphin a.k.a. happy hormones are being secreted in our brain, giving us a feeling of relief.  Second, cope with friends and family, they are those who give us the strength of the spirit.  Thus, it is very important to be genuine in dealings with friendship, be generous in loving because when tribulations come; the love you gave to others will sustain you.  Third, cope and keep coping.  No matter how hard it may seems, at times, no comforting words could even assuage the pain, but still keep on coping and live each day the best way possible. Fourth, eat healthy.  True, that when the heart is in pain all other parts of the body conspire especially the stomach giving one no desire to eat. But eat healthy anyway.  Eating healthy is different from overeating. It is eating the right food with the right amount.  Fifth, value oneself.  We think that misfortunes are caused of our own weaknesses, of our being helpless, indeed they are sometimes.  But blaming oneself could never bring any good nor would it solve the problem, instead it worsens the situation and could make one feel sadder.  Best minds said that there are no mistakes in this world, only lessons learned.  Let’s keep on learning even it is the harder way, it is worth learning all the lessons in the world.  Sixth, indulge in arts and music or in anything something new.  A new hobby can help out ease the pain.  It can give one a new window of hope.  Never resort to bad habits – smoking, drinking, it’ll never bring one any good in the end, only more pains.  Seventh, cry if you have to.  Crying can give relief.  It is not a sign of being too weak.  On the contrary it is a sign of strength for in crying we learn to acknowledge and embrace the pain.  Eight, embrace the pain.  Never deny it.  Embrace it until it hurts no more.  Denying it could leave a negative trace in our hearts which will not lead to healthy healing.  Ninth, pray, pray and pray.  Talking to God is the best comfort there is.  How comforting could it be when your God, the God of the universe listens to you – His divine providence is unending! Tenth, trust in God’s providence.  Surely, God’s solution is always the best solution.  Never rely in your own understanding and your plans.  You only see one part of the world, but God sees and knows everything, He can draw the plan for you better.  Trust and wait, the right time for healing, for moving on will come.  

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