
Keeping up and saying my piece on RH Bill

The usual of me again...after 99 years of not posting in my blog (I havent even visited it for the last,uh-uh, past weeks, well, actually almost months already), here I am again trying to revive this unvisited blog (ha! ha! ha!).  And really trying hard to post something decent, interesting and scholarly article. 
          So, I am writing about the most debated topic that circulates in the country - the RH bill - very 
          interesting (I just hope I write this article well, that you'll have the interest until the last
          period) . 

         Very obvious, the debate is between the anti and pro.  But me, I am neither.  Not that I am afraid to 
         take my stand but it is more of believing that our population is a responsibility of those who are capable
         of bearing and  producing another human being - an individual responsibility.  The most unwanted
         provision in the bill  is the issue on contraceptives, which for the anti-RH bill advocates is an abortion in
         disguise and second, it creates chances for sexual interourse outside the context of marriage.  Both
         contentions are right and are threatening to moral ascendancy.  I don't want to linger much on my last
         two words, I am not an expert on it and I will never try to be one.  But let me just tackle further on the
         issue of contraceptives as an abortion in disguise.  For me, it is not.  What for me is an abortion in
         disguise is when we never provide the best things in life or even to the very least the basic needs an
         individual must have.  Seeing hungry kids with torn clothes, unloved and battered with hardships is
         what I see as an abortion in disguise.  We commit abortion when we allow a kid resort to rugby
         addiction just to ignore the rumblings of the stomach, when we let coldness penetrate into a skinned
         body covered only with tattered shirt, when we let them opt for criminal acts just to get through the

        If we let our population explode some more then we are all guilty of aborting lives, we are
        already aborting many street kids now.  :(  And the solution is not RH bill, it is our awareness of our
        surroundings and of knowing our individual responsibilities.

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