

Six years ago, I was seated in a row of green chairs wearing a below-the-knee black dress with a square cap on top of my head. I was beaming when I transferred the tassel from left to right as our dean’s voice boomed “the graduates”. It was six years ago yet it still brings nostalgic feeling every time I hear that tempo of a marching band or see a garland adorned with candies and flowers made of straw. I could still remember the conscious voice of my college best friend, Vanessa whispering, “ok pa ba make-up ko?” as she would tilt her face left to right. It was a poignant day knowing that after the Rites, College life will only be an expanse of happy reminiscences - surmounted hurdles, blossoming fondness, friendship and love. Yet it was really a triumphant day given that it was not at all an easy and trouble-free four years. It was triumphant and happy day and I was beaming, smiling from ear to ear.

But truthfully, beneath my prideful grown-up face is my panicky pubescent self – so afraid of what another commencing would bring - how it would be in the world of the professionals and how tougher the competitions would be after that day? As soon as the ceremony ended, I was inevitably listed to the roaster of the ‘Fresh-blood’, ‘the youngest would-be colleague’ and ‘a neophyte in the manpower industry’. It’s a tough competition, tougher than I had imagined it to be – for it is not a competition with another soul, it is a contest with quarrelling self, marooned in a forked road.

Moments like this make me realize how cruel life is, for it would never provide sure answers, only uncertainties. It would never offer a hint of success or failure in the end, only doubts – and just the courageous spirit confronts the chances and endures the misgivings - wins the battle.


My deepest congratulations to batch 2009 graduates especially to the bravest souls – Rogelio Estiban, Jr., Marisol Sibuc, Jovann Eve Tadena, Cianne Siman, Zerwin Organia, Ma. Leni Oro, Jennifer Rico, Wilter Friales, Grace Olarte, Alex Espongja and Josepheus Flores. Step up, search for your dreams and do not be afraid even if you pass by the road less travelled.

…“And while you’re out there getting where you are getting to, I hope, you know somebody loves you and wants the same things too.

This is my wish…hmmm…”

1 comment:

zerwin said...

waaaa!!! subong ko lng gd nbasa ni... =( i cn now relate to what you're feeling.. (teary-eyed while typing)

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